Donde en el mundo esta carmen sandiego game
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Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Publication date Topics carmen sandiego , vilebox Language English. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? Please note that 1 I cannot reply to reviews, and 2 almost every question you might have is answered in the handbook.
Read it before asking me a question. That being said, right-wing dude in the reviews, I do not know what the hell you did with these files or why the hell you were trying to make an ISO with them when literally all you had to do was open the installer, but based on your comment, I can only say I'm glad you weren't able to, because this collection was created by a gay, transgender, disabled, female socialist who has no intention of bringing joy to bigots.
Works like a charm. Thank you for this nostalgia trip! Also, idk what the one dude in the review is saying that it doesn't work on Windows 10, I am using Windows 10 and it works perfectly fine. Reviewer: jfarms - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - May 11, Subject: Truly Amazing Work!
Great contribution to nostalgia and for archival purposes! A win32 installer would be a welcome addition but this is still a really great compilation!
Reviewer: MariJayne - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 22, Subject: Yessssssssss I have been looking for the 3. Honguito dice Busca tu juego:.
En esta ocacion sos un detective que debera poner a prueba todos sus conocimientos sobre geografia para atrapar a Carmen San Diego y sus secuaces de la C. Para esto, deberas viajar por el mund o entero buscando pistas para descubrir quien ha sido el ladron y donde se encuentra su escondite. En cada pais que visitemos, deberemos interrogar a los testigos para averiguar estas dos cosas. Luego de unos cuantos crimenes resueltos, ascenderas de cargo, empezando por novato y subiendo a inspector, subcomisario, comisario, etc.
El juego es realmente muy adictivo, tanto asi que uno puede pasarse horas frente al monitor persiguiendo a Carmen. Y ademas de ser divertido uno aprende mucho sobre geografia, y pone a prueba lo aprendido. El juego funciona en Windows, pero es recomendable jugarlo bajo un emulador de DOS. Honguito dice: Descargatelo aqui Vota este juego:. Suscribirse a: Enviar comentarios Atom.
Contacto Ayuda a crecer a honguito, mandando un mail con tus sugerencias aqui: honguitodice gmail. Los mejores juegos segun la gente Ponete nostalgico. Luchando contra los graficos 3D Construyendo un mundo de juegos retro