Software to randomize teams
If you want to distribute male and female equally, you can choose the gender for each participant. Else, if you don't care about the gender, you can leave it default unknown.
You can check or uncheck the balance of gender distribution. Insert the number of groups to be produced. By filling either of these fields, the system will automatically fill in another field for you based on your current name lists. Press the start button to randomize grouping.
Wait for the result. Download as CSV file or save as image. Open groups board again. Remove all the groupings. Modify the inputs or redo the whole process again to get a new result. These are just the basic steps to use the random team picker. There are still other great features, for example, custom team names, customization, and others we will describe in the following few sections. In case if you want to change your team names, it is also doable.
By default, we use Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, etc. You can change the team names by clicking the "Set Team Names" button. Write your desired name beside the team you want and click save. You have to do it at the Tool Settings section below the generator section. The classic way to randomly distribute players across teams in a sports game or board game is to randomly draw names out of a hat.
Using the list randomizer you can spread players into two or more teams fairly and without bias. Simply enter all the player names and click "Randomize list". If you need two teams, select the first half of the shuffled names for team 1 and the second for team 2. A similar process can be followed for any number of teams as long as the total number of players is divisible by the number of teams to fill.
The same logic can be used to distribute students for school group projects. Despite the above examples, it is more convenient to use our dedicated random team generator which supports multiple teams easily. If you have a number of names, emails, or identifiers of some sort, and you want to randomly sort them so that only the top 1, 5, 10 etc.
If the awards are numbered from, say, 1 to 10, you can dole out the awards following the order of the shuffled list. In case you need to distribute chores or tasks over a group of people or over several days simply list the chores or tasks and shuffle them with our software. Then start with the first on the list and proceed till the end.
Similarly, you can randomize a list of your child's names to determine in what order they will do the dishes, sweep the floors, or throw out the garbage in the next few days. If you are a schoolteacher, you may use this to randomly pick students for different home assignments, projects, etc. While a physical spinning wheel might be more fun, using an online list randomizer is easier. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.
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This comment form is under antispam protection. Subscribe to Excelchat. Generate random time within a range. Support for Windows Light and Dark themes. Additional information Published by V Team. Published by V Team. V Team. Developed by V Team. Approximate size Age rating For all ages. This app can Access your Internet connection Access your Internet connection and act as a server.
Permissions info. Installation Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. Language supported English United States. Publisher Info Randomizer App support. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this app to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern.
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