Old man gloom christmas megaupload
Steve Henningsgard. Steve Henningsgard I discovered this album on a cassette tape in my glove compartment, and fell in love instantly! Favorite track: Gift. Ben Harris. Ben Harris So glad to rediscover this early 00's gem. An album with one of the strongest opening gambits on a sludge record I've ever heard. Someone below me mentioned that it was their first purchase on bandcamp, and I think this album introduced a lot of folks to the more experimental and open-minded spectrum of hardcore and metal.
Maybe what Old Man Gloom meant by the intro lyric "this is a gift" was to open the way for us, and permit trespass into a hitherto undiscovered place. Michael Henderson. Michael Hopkins. Zack S. Edgars Andersons. Christopher Dilkus. Kevin Hoffin. Eric Gross. James Simmonds-Read. Cartesian Cat. Andrew French. Booger Munkey. Justin Castilla. Liquid Barbed Wire. Adam Payne. Jordan Sells. Alec P. Vitaliy Siroshtan. Dustin Williams. Dustin Timothy. Dustin Redmon. Jeremy Biggs. Kevin Stone. Nicholas Kent.
Purchasable with gift card. Gift Afraid Of. Flood I. Simian Alien Technology: Message Received. Sonic Wave Of Bees. Sonar Enlightenment Program. Rotten Primate. The Exploder Whale. Flood II Resolving The De-Evolution Conflict. Brain Returns To Initial State. Bells Dark Above Our Head.
Hot Salvation. Rape Athena. Only Dogs Hear Here. Jaws Of The Lion. Smoke Out Loud. Deserts In Your Eyes. Cinder Of The Simian Psyche.
Three Ring Ocean Sideshow. Madied Self: Reborn. Seminar III: Zozobra Christmas Eve Part I. Skull Of Geronimo Feat. Masami's Music Box 1. Masami's Music Box 2.
Christmas Eve Part II. Christmas Something For The Mrs. Sleeping With Snakes. Lukeness Monster. The Volcano.