Microsoft hyper-v on proliant dl360 g4

Edited Apr 13, at UTC. Best Answer. Chrono Apr 13, at UTC. View this "Best Answer" in the replies below ». Popular Topics in Virtualization.

Spiceworks Help Desk. The help desk software for IT. Track users' IT needs, easily, and with only the features you need. Learn More ». Edited Aug 29, at UTC. Thanks a lot PD: Sorry for my bad english. Friday, December 21, PM. And, in addition to the storage being sharable, if you really want the environment to be highly available, you have to consider that the storage needs to be highly available, too.

This means that there should be at least two paths to the storage that each node in the cluster can use to access the storage. And it means the network switches should be redundant. If you plug everything into a single switch, if that one switch fails, the whole cluster fails.

You need some type of shared storage: SAN, multi-server JBOD, or file share on 3rd server or scale-out file server to create a cluster. Darshana Jayathilake 1 P should be purchased with a dual controller option. Sunday, December 23, PM. Darshana Jayathilake. Sunday, December 23, AM.

Sunday, March 11, AM. Microsoft cannot speak for HPE. Monday, March 12, PM. Regards, Dirk Dirk Lehmann. For Microsoft official EOL, you should refer to www. Join our community to see this answer! Unlock 1 Answer and 6 Comments. Andrew Hancock - VMware vExpert. See if this solution works for you by signing up for a 7 day free trial.

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