Garmin g1000 user manual download
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For assistance in locating the nearest Service Center, call Garmin Customer Service at one of the numbers listed below. Products sold through online auctions are not eligible for warranty coverage or rebates or other special offers from Garmin. Online auction confirmations are not accepted for warranty verification. To obtain warranty service, an original or copy of the sales receipt from the original retailer is required. Garmin International Inc. Add page 5 to Favourites.
The terrain avoidance feature is NOT intended to be used as a primary reference for terrain avoidance and does not relieve the pilot from the responsibility of being aware of surroundings during flight. Terrain data is obtained from third party sources. Always refer to current aeronautical charts for appropriate minimum clearance altitudes. GPS altitude should never be used for vertical navigation. The LRUs are further described in the following section. All LRUs have a modular design, which greatly eases troubleshooting and maintenance of the G system.
A top-level G block diagram is given in Figure Additional or optional interfaces are depicted in Figure Both GDU s link and display all functions of the G system during flight. The GIAs are not paired together and do not communicate with each other directly. The unit contains advanced sensors, accelerometers and rate sensors. AHRSmodesofoperationarediscussedlaterinthis document.
Sensor types includeenginetemperatureandpressuresensorsas wellasfuelmeasurementandpressuresensors. The GDL 69A also provides digital audio entertainment in the cockpit. This document assumes that the reader is already familiar with the operation of this additional equipment. The G controls and keys have been designed to simplify the operation of the system and minimize workloadaswellasthetimerequiredtoaccesssophisticated functionality.
The following list provides an overview of the controls located on the display bezel. Synchronizes the heading bug with the compass lubber line when pressed. Activates the map pointer when pressed. Pressing and holdingthiskeyfortwosecondsautomaticallytunes theemergencyfrequency When the cursor is ON, data may be enteredinthedifferentwindowsusingthe small and large knobs.
The large knob is used to move the cursor on the page, while the small knob is used to selectindividualcharactersforthehighlightedcursor location.
When the G displays a list that is too longforthedisplayscreen,ascrollbarappearsalong therightsideofthedisplay,indicatingtheavailability ofadditionalitemswithintheselectedcategory. This list allows the user to access additional features, or to make setting changes that relate to certain pages. This key is used to approve an operation or complete data entry. The large knob selects the thousands, while the small knob selects the hundreds. SD cards are used for aviation database updates and terrain database storage.
Gently press on the SD card to release the spring latch and eject the card. The G system is integrated with the aircraft electricalsystemandreceivespowerdirectlyfromelectrical busses.
All system annunciations should be cleared within one 1 minute of power-up. When this information has been reviewed for currency to ensure that no databases have expired , the pilot is prompted to continue.
Current database information is displayed with the valid operating dates, cycle number and database type. Each GIA 63 is connected to a single display, as shown in Figure This allows the units to share information, thus enabling true system integration.
Attitude, heading, airspeed, altitude and vertical speed are all shown on one display. The MFD shows a full-color moving map with navigation information. Figure gives an example of the G system in normal mode. Should a failure occur in either display, the G automatically enters reversionary mode. An example of reversionary mode entry due to a failed PFD is shown in Figure The change to backup paths is completely automated for all LRUs, and no pilot action is required. Reversionary mode may also be manually activated by the pilot if the system fails to detect a display problem.
Pressing this button again deactivates reversionary mode. If either of these external measurements is unavailable or invalid, the AHRS uses air data information for attitude determination. Four AHRS modes of operation are available see table below and depend upon the combination of available sensor inputs.
Loss of air data, GPS, or magnetometer sensor inputs is communicated to the pilot by message advisory alerts. The G system provides two sources of GPS information. An alert message informs the pilot of the use of the backup GPS path. The operation of these features is explained in other supporting sections. Thebacklightingintensity ranges from 0.
Two modes exist for adjustment:. Turn the small FMS knob to display the selection window. With the intensity value now highlighted, turn the small FMS knob to select the desired backlighting, then press the ENT key.
Repeat steps 3 and 4. When a softkey is turned on, its color changes to black text on gray background and remains this way until it is turned off, at which time it reverts to white text on black background. METRIC — Displays current and reference altitudes in meters, in addition to feet; also changes barometric setting to hectopascals from inches of mercury in Hg. CODE — Displays transponder code selection softkeys The Airspeed Indicator displays airspeed on a rolling number gauge using a moving tape.
The following information is also displayed:. Thenumericlabelsandmajortickmarksonthemoving tape are marked at intervals of 10 knots, while minor tick marks on the moving tape are indicated at intervals of 5 knots. Speed indication starts at 20 knots, with 60 knots of airspeed viewable at one time. The actual airspeed is displayed inside the black pointer. The pointer remains black until reaching never-exceed speed V NE , at which point it turns red. A color-coded white, green, yellow, and red speed range strip is located on the moving tape.
A red range is also present for low speed awareness. The Airspeed Trend Vector is a vertical, magenta line, extending up or down on the airspeed scale, located to the right of the color-coded speed range strip. The end of the trend vector displays approximately what airspeed will be reached in six seconds if the current rate of acceleration is maintained. Thetrendvectorisabsentifthespeedremains constant or if any data needed to calculate airspeed is not available due to a system failure.
When active ON , the Vspeeds are displayed at their respective locations to the right of the airspeed scale refer to the Auxiliary Windows portion of this Flight Instruments section for setting and displaying Vspeeds. The True Airspeed Box is located below the Airspeed Indicator and displays the true airspeed in knots.
Attitude information is displayed over a virtual blue sky and brown ground with a white Horizon Line. The Attitude Indicator displays the following information:. The Horizon Line is part of the Pitch Scale. The inverted white triangle indicates zero on the Roll Scale. Angle of bank is indicated by the position of the Roll Pointer on the Roll Scale. The indicator moves with the Roll Pointer and moves laterally away from the pointer to indicate lateral acceleration.
The Altimeter displays barometric altitude values in feet on a rolling number gauge using a moving tape. The Altimeter displays the following information:.
The numeric labels and major tick marks are shown at intervals of feet. Minor tick marks are at intervals of 20 feet. The current altitude is displayed in the black pointer. TheAltitudeReferenceBugisdisplayedatthereference altitude or the edge of the tape whichever is closer to the current altitude to provide increased altitude awareness. This altitude also appears in theAltitude Reference Box above the Altimeter.
This vertical, magenta line extends up or down the altitude scale located left of the numeric labels. The end of the trend vector displays approximately what altitude will be reached in six seconds if the current rate of vertical speed is maintained. The trend vector is absent if altitude remains constant, or if any data needed to calculate it is not available due to a system failure.
The Altitude Reference Box displays the reference altitude in feet. The metric value, when selected, is displayed on top of the Altitude Reference Box. NOTE: The Altitude Reference Box is not part of the autopilot altitude preselect system and is used to aid the pilot in altitude control. The Barometric Setting Box displays the barometric pressure in inches of mercury in Hg or hectopascals hPa.
Turn the large BARO outer knob to select the desired setting. Reference and current altitude can be displayed in meters. The barometric pressure may also be displayed in hectopascals. Press the PFD softkey to display the secondlevel softkeys. Press the BACK softkey to return to the top-level softkeys. A green diamond appears and acts as the vertical deviation indication, just like a glideslope needle on a conventional indicator.
Outer marker reception is indicated by a blue light, middle by amber, and inner by white refer to the Audio Panel section for more information. The Vertical Speed Indicator displays the aircraft vertical speed with numeric labels and tick marks at 1, and 2, feet in each direction on the non-moving tape.
Minor tick marks are at intervals of ft. The Vertical Speed Pointer displays the current vertical speed and points to that speed on the non-moving tape. If the rate of ascent exceeds 2, feet per minute, the pointer appears at the top edge of the non-moving tape and the rate in fpm appears inside the pointer.
If the rate of descent exceeds 2, fpm, a negative sign is displayed in the pointer -2, for negative down vertical speed and the pointer appears at the bottom edge of the non-moving tape. NOTE: Digits appear in the pointer when the climb or descent rate exceeds fpm. The Horizontal Situation Indicator HSI displays a rotating compass card with letters at the cardinal points and numeric labels every 30 degrees. Major tick marks are at degree intervals and minor tick marks are at 5- degree intervals.
The HSI is displayed in a heading-up orientation. The HSI displays the following information:. A digital reading of the current magnetic heading appears on top of the HSI. A rotatable heading bug on the compass rose marks the desired heading. The selected heading appears in a box left of the lubber line, next to the HSI. The color of the digital readout is cyan light blue. The Turn Rate Indicator is located directly above the rotating compass card.
Tick marks to the left and right of the lubber line denote half-standard and standard turn rates. A magenta turn rate trend vector shows the current turn rate. Other G Aural Alerts G System Message Advisories AFCS Alerts Database Management Jeppesen Databases Garmin Databases Frequently Asked Questions General TIS Information TIS vs. TIS Limitations The G system is an integrated flight control system that presents flight instrumentation, position, navigation, communication, and identification information to the pilot through large-format displays.
A top-level G system block diagram is shown in Figure The GIAs are not paired together and do not communicate with each other directly. This unit communicates. The GRS 77 contains advanced sensors including accelerometers and rate sensors and.
AHRS modes of operation are discussed later in this document. It broadcasts aircraft position, velocity, projected track, altitude, and flight identification to other equipped aircraft in the vicinity, as well as to FAA ground stations.
The GSM 85 servo gearbox is responsible for transferring the output torque of the GSA 81 servo actuator to the mechanical flight-control surface linkage. Volume level is shown in the field as a percentage. When pressed, it synchronizes the heading bug with the compass lubber line. Selected Heading provides the heading reference to the Flight Director while operating in Heading Select mode. Activates the map pointer when pressed. Selected Course provides course reference to the Flight Director when operating in Navigation and Approach modes.
Pressing and holding this key for two seconds automatically tunes the emergency frequency Audio volume level is shown in the field as a percentage. Data Entry: With the cursor ON, turn to enter data in the highlighted field large knob moves cursor location; small knob selects character for highlighted cursor location.
The pointer indicates data entered at the cursor will be inserted above the line selected. With cursor ON, turn large knob to scroll through the list.
Page Selection : Turn knob on MFD to select the page to view large knob selects a page group; small knob selects a specific page from the group. This list allows the user to access additional features, or to make setting changes that relate to certain pages.
If a flight plan is not used, the desired airport and the desired procedure may be selected. This key is used to approve an operation or complete data entry. It is also used to confirm selections and information entries. The large knob selects the thousands m for metric , while the small knob selects the hundreds 50m for metric. Pressing the AP Key activates the flight director and engages the autopilot in the default pitch axis and roll axis modes.
Pressing the AP Key again disengages the autopilot and deactivates the flight director. Pressing the FD Key turns on the flight director in the default pitch axis and roll axis modes. Pressing the FD Key again deactivates the flight director and removes the command bars, unless the autopilot is engaged.
If the autopilot is engaged, the FD Key is disabled. NOTE: When a key is selected, a triangular annunciator above the key is illuminated. COM1 receive is simultaneously selected when this key is pressed allowing received audio from the 1 COM receiver to be heard.
COM2 is simultaneously selected when this key is pressed allowing received audio from the 2 COM receiver to be heard. PA — Selects the Passenger Address system. Unmutes when new marker beacon audio is received. Also, stops play of the clearance recorder. Press again to return to normal. Press again to deselect pilot isolation. Press again to deselect copilot isolation.
Turn to adjust intercom volume or squelch. SD cards are used for storing the various databases and system software updates. Each display bezel is equipped with two SD card slots. The top slot is used for importing and exporting flight plans, Flight Data Logging, and loading navigation database updates. The bottom slot of each display contains a Garmin Supplemental Data Card which is used for storing the various databases. Not all SD cards are compatible with the G Use only SD cards supplied by Garmin or the aircraft manufacturer.
The front of the card should remain flush with the face of the display bezel. The G System is integrated with the aircraft electrical system and receives power directly from electrical busses. During system initialization, test annunciations are displayed, as shown in Figure All system annunciations should disappear typically within the first minute of power-up.
Upon power-up, key annunciator lights also become momentarily illuminated on the Audio Panel. The AHRS should display valid attitude and heading fields typically within the first minute of power-up. The AHRS can align itself both while taxiing and during level flight. When the MFD powers up, the power-up screen Figure displays the following information:. Current database information includes database type, cycle number, or valid operating dates. Review the listed information for currency to ensure that no databases have expired.
Pressing the ENT Key or right-most softkey acknowledges this information, and the Navigation Map Page is displayed upon pressing the key a second time. In reversionary mode, it can be adjusted from the remaining display. The displays are connected together via a single Ethernet bus for high-speed communication. Each IAU is connected to a single display, as shown in Figure This allows the units to share information, enabling true system integration..
In normal operating mode, the PFD presents graphical flight instrumentation attitude, heading, airspeed, altitude, vertical speed , replacing the traditional flight instrument cluster see the Flight Instruments Section for more information. Refer to Appendix A for further information regarding system-specific alerts.
In the event of a display failure, the G System automatically switches to reversionary backup mode. In reversionary mode, all important flight information is presented on the remaining display in the same format as in normal operating mode. If a display fails, the appropriate IAU Ethernet interface to the display is cut off. The change to backup paths is completely automated for all LRUs and no pilot action is required.
Pressing this button again deactivates reversionary mode. Attitude and heading information are updated on the PFD while the AHRS receives appropriate combinations of information from the external sensor inputs. Loss of GPS, magnetometer, or air data inputs is communicated to the pilot by message advisory alerts. Under these rare conditions, it is possible for in-flight AHRS initialization to take an indefinite amount of time which would result in an extended period of time where valid AHRS outputs are unavailable.
Upon G power-up, certain windows remain invalid as equipment begins to initialize. All windows should be operational within one minute of power-up. If any window remains flagged, the G system should be serviced by a Garminauthorized repair facility. The softkeys are located along the bottoms of the displays. The softkeys shown depend on the softkey level or page being displayed. The bezel keys below the softkeys can be used to select the appropriate softkey.
When a softkey is selected, its color changes to black text on gray background and remains this way until it is turned off, at which time it reverts to white text on black background. Displays topographical data e. Sets barometric pressure to Selects Mode C — altitude reporting mode transponder replies to identification. Press the BACK softkey to return to the top-level softkeys.
While the aircraft is on the ground, the SBAS signal may be blocked by obstructions causing one GPS receiver to have difficulty acquiring a good signal. If the sensor annunciation persists, check for a system failure message in the Messages Window on the PFD.
Discrepancies may indicate a problem. Satellites currently in view are shown at their respective positions on a sky view diagram. Each satellite is represented by an oval containing the Pseudo-random noise PRN number i.
Satellites whose signals are currently being used are represented by solid ovals. EPU is a statistical error indication and not an actual error measurement. DOP measures satellite geometry quality i. The current calculated GPS position, time, altitude, ground speed, and track for the aircraft are displayed below the satellite signal accuracy measurements.
When the receiver is in the process of acquiring enough satellite signals for navigation, the receiver uses satellite orbital data collected continuously from the satellites and last known position to determine the satellites that should be in view. When the receiver is in the process of acquiring a 3D navigational GPS solution, 3D NAV is indicated as the solution until the 3D differential fix has finished acquisition. In most cases performing a RAIM prediction is not necessary.
However, in some cases, the selected approach may be outside the SBAS coverage area and it may be necessary to perform a RAIM prediction for the intended approach. RAIM ensures that the available satellite geometry allows the receiver to calculate a position within a specified RAIM protection limit 2. Because of the tighter protection limit on approaches, there may be times when RAIM is not available. Refer to Section 1. The G automatically fills in the identifier, facility, and city fields with the information for the selected waypoint.
Once RAIM availability is computed, one of the following is displayed:. The GPS Status Page can be helpful in troubleshooting weak or missing signal levels due to poor satellite coverage or installation problems. As the GPS receiver locks onto satellites, a signal strength bar is displayed for each satellite in view, with the appropriate satellite PRN number or for WAAS below each bar.
The progress of satellite acquisition is shown in three stages, as indicated by signal bar appearance:. Each satellite has a second data transmission that must be collected signal strength bar is hollow before the satellite may be used for navigation signal strength bar becomes solid. There is no all-encompassing menu.
Some menus provide access to additional submenus that are used to view, edit, select, and review options. Softkey selection does not display menus or submenus. Pressing the FMS Knob also removes the displayed menu.
Information on the MFD is presented on pages which are grouped according to function. The page group and active page title are displayed in the upper center of the screen, below the Navigation Status Box.
In the bottom right corner of the screen, the page group tabs are displayed along the bottom Available pages in the group are displayed in a list above the page groups. The current page group and current page within the group are shown in cyan. For example, the MAP page group is selected in Figure There are also several pages Airport Information and XM Information pages which are selected first from within a main page group with the FMS Knobs, then with the appropriate softkey at the bottom of the page.
In this case, the page remains set to the selected screen until a different screen softkey is pressed. Main pages within this group are selected by turning the small FMS Knob. See the Additional Features section for a discussion on checklists. In some instances, softkeys may be used to access the Procedure Pages. A menu is initialized, and when a departure, approach, or arrival is selected, the appropriate Procedure Loading Page is opened.
Turning the FMS Knob does not scroll through the Procedure pages note the single page icon in the lower right corner. For some of these pages Airport Information pages, SiriusXM Satellite pages, Procedure pages , the title of the page may change while the page icon remains the same.
The time offset is used to define current local time. When using a local time format, designate the offset by adding or subtracting the desired number of hours.
The Display Units Box on the System Setup Page allows configuration of the measurement units used for the following displayed data:. Affects all distance and speed displays on the MFD with the exception of the displayed wind speed displayed on the Navigation Map Page.
Wind speed is affected on the Trip Planning Page.